I don't understand...

I am in the process of choosing a new play and writing new curriculum for the upcoming school year and I do not understand one thing - why do people in the educational industry refuse to trust the teachers that make it up? Teachers are the front lines of the teaching profession. They are the ones that are responsible for the learning and achievement of the hundreds and thousands of students that they have in a classroom over any period of time. However, it seems to me that they are the least trusted entity in the entire process. Is it so difficult to trust a teacher that is with your student every day to make smart and informed decisions? that is in a classroom in the business of teaching every day who knows the pedagogical and practical processes that are common practice today?

NCLB particularly has made it very difficult for a teacher to feel like he/she is being allowed to help all the students that they need to reach. Each teacher in the school system (particularly in secondary schools) should have been hired to a specific position because they are qualified and knowledgeable in their content area, but in every instance that I have seen and in every content area I have observed I have seen doubt - doubt from administration, department heads (usually the older veteran teachers who are so set in their ways that change is seen as a challenge to usurp), and parents. Each of those parties should at the very least be willing to trust the decisions that have been made that put a teacher where they are.

I am very fortunate to have a supportive administration that are willing to work with me instead of against me. The fact that I am a relatively new teacher makes my job difficult at times, but as I learn and grow that will improve. I am glad that I can go to my administration with questions and concerns and not feel that it will adversely affect me in any way. I am glad for the opportunities that I have to grow a program with little interference from others (specific colleagues excluded).

The concept that is difficult for many of my colleagues and others to understand is - even though I am a relatively new teacher I DO KNOW WHAT I AM TALKING ABOUT/DOING!! When I choose a show for my drama season, I have done the research and thought through the possible repercussions that may come from doing the show. I DO know what it takes to create a learning environment in the production process. I DO know what sounds good - while it might not be what you are used to (many of the people where I am have been tainted to believe that all music must sound the same...), but it is the right kind of sound and technique for the kind of show we are doing. Trust me! Just once!

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