Changes - again...

Well, I have had to change my show from Picnic. I had an actress decide to audition for another show that goes up the same weekend that our show does - and she got a part and decided to take it. So, I have changed the show to Fools by Neil Simon. It is not in the same league as Picnic, but it is good; funny, with a good moral and great characters to play.
The cast has done their initial read-through and they seem to like the show. The humor and timing in the show are borderline melodrama and that will be a stretch for some of the cast, but it will be a good growing experience for them.
Candace and Shiloh visited me in class today. My students said that I could not stop smiling for 20 minutes solid after they left. How could I? They both are just too cute for words! I love them more than anything!

1 comment:

SAYDA said...

I remember that play! How fun!!!!