A little time to do a lot...

Everything that I am doing lately seems to have a relatively short time in which to get it finished. The end of the year for school is coming next week and there is a LOT of cleaning that needs done before I leave for the summer. Grad school is coming up in the middle of June and there is a lot of reading and prep that I am going to have to do in order to get ready for it.

This week we have been having auditions for Annie Get Your Gun, so it has been pretty intense and stressful. However, the whole audition process has gone pretty well! Casting this show has been the easiest to cast of all the shows that I have done yet. I think that we are going to have a really solid cast and a lot of really great talent to work with. We had a relatively small casting pool, but the people that came out really did an excellent job! Thus far, there has been no "drama" with the whole process (knock on wood...). Have to wait and see if it will be that way after we post the list tomorrow.

I am really glad that my department has created a new website for all our events and just stuff in general. I will be able to post our cast list online and not have to deal with the weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth that happens so often after casting a show. If you want to see how it turns out take a look here.

It has been a real pleasure to start this process with my colleagues in our department. I am really excited to do a show with them! I have worked with Adam, the orchestra director, before - and it was great. Jay, the choir director, had some health issues this year that made it impossible for him to work on the show. I am cannot wait to work with everyone in-house for this new year to give another killer show!!

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