A Major Change & Diving into the Unknown

Things happen... Sometimes for the better, sometimes not. Well, for me and my little family one of those changes has taken place. I am no longer teaching. I probably will not be teaching for a while. I am currently looking for a new job in the hopes that I can keep my family afloat. I am doing some major soul searching, getting help, and trying to move forward. I know that the right thing will come up eventually, but right now it is a little rough feeling like I cannot/am not providing for my wife and children.
I am searching daily, praying constantly, and trying to better myself professionally and personally so that when the right job does show up I will be ready and able to proceed and progress. For those that read this and want to know what's going on - ask. I will tell you my little story.
I am looking for a job wherever I can find one at this point. Almost having a Masters Degree has opened some doors and made some other opportunities kind of difficult. I am also looking for a venue to finish my thesis project and produce the show that I have chosen and worked so hard to put together.

Trying to stay positive. Looking to the future & praying for the right things to fall into place for my family and me.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey Nick, why are you not teaching anymore? Best of luck to you and your family. The right thing will definitely come up. Patience and faith! Sometimes that is hard, I know. Hope your family is doing well.