Faster than expected...

By tomorrow we will have blocked the entire show AND have the main structure of the set completed. I was totally not expecting to be at this point this soon! It will be really great to be able to focus on the details of the show rather than the basic concepts and needs of the production. Most of the time it feels like I never get a chance to work on the specific acting and design items that I would like to. At some point, it always seems like I am scrambling to finish one or the other.
I am very excited to actually have a moment to work with the actors on their listening and responding to impulses. Being able to work at a level that I do not get to very often will be really great! I just hope my actors can handle being able to focus for long enough for it to do any good... Up to this point they have been doing well, but the material is really kind of heavy for anyone to have to focus on for a long time. If they can manage to do that, I think that this show has the potential to really knock people's socks off! (Now to just convince my technicians that if they can focus and do good work...)

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